Veste, kaj je prebijanje cevi? Igra je odličen in zabaven način za razvoj močnejših rok in ramen. Prebijanje cevi je udarjanje cevi s pestmi. Ta vrsta vadbe vam bo pomagala pridobiti moč in izboljšati lastno telesno pripravljenost. Je dobra metoda za ohranjanje kondicije in zdravja. Kljub temu ne pozabite, da luknjanje cevi ni samo najtežje, kar lahko. Prav tako ga morate udariti na pravi način, da dosežete optimalen učinek vadbe.
Zato vas prebijanje cevi nauči natančnosti, tako kot Vedette stroj za prebijanje bakrenih cevi. Pri udarcu so pomembni vaša tarča, smer udarca in vaša oblika. Ne gre samo za moč, ampak tudi za to, da vsak udarec šteje. Če obvladate udarjanje po cevi, uganite, kaj: tudi vaše roke in ramena bodo postala veliko močnejša. Opazili boste tudi izboljšanje ravnotežja, koordinacije in sposobnosti osredotočanja – vse to je koristno tudi za druge dejavnosti.
Zdaj, ko imate vse na svojem mestu, je naslednji korak, da se pravilno postavite. Stopala v širini bokov, enako kot Vedette enogredni štancalni stroj. Kolena so rahlo pokrčena, trebuh pa stisnjen. Stisnite roke in preveč dvignite žogo, da se ne poškodujete. Želim, da so sproščeni, a pripravljeni na udarce. Vključno s tem, da komolce držite ob telesu in pazite, da ramena držite nazaj.
Za vedno, ko se odločite, da je čas, da začnete udarjati po cevi, je tukaj zelo dragocen nasvet: udarjajte s celim telesom in ne samo z rokami. Ustvarite več moči pri udarcih s pomočjo bokov in kolen. Izdihnite, ko udarite, in vedno razmislite, kam boste udarili, preden jih vržete. Pomagal vam bo izboljšati vašo natančnost in nadzor.
Če želite okrepiti udarec po cevi, povečajte intenzivnost, s katero udarjate ali udarjate po cevi hitreje kot običajno z uporabo Večvretenski prebijalni stroj. Lahko se premaknete, da udarite z druge strani, vendar je to nekoliko radikalno Spremenite, kako blizu ali daleč stojite. Zmešajte predvidljivost in ohranite glavo v igri s popolnoma angažiranim telesom. Tako vam ne bo dolgčas in raven se bo še povečevala.
Vendar bodite previdni. Če ves dan udarjate po cevi z a Stroj za prebijanje in vlečenje. Če kadar koli med to rutino začnete čutiti nelagodje ali bolečino, se ustavite in si vzemite odmor. Stretchen Deine Muskeln, bevor und nach Du übst. Da, raztezanje je ključnega pomena za vas, saj ne le pomaga pri ogrevanju vašega telesa pred kakršno koli obliko vadbe, ampak tudi pomaga ohladiti mišice po vadbi/vadbi in tako prepreči poškodbe.
Čeprav udarjanje po cevi nima praktične uporabe, je izjemen način za moč in vzdržljivost zgornjega dela telesa, tako kot Vedette Stroj za prebijanje prirobnic. Vaša pljuča delujejo tako, da jim pomagajo prebaviti energijo, ko vdihnejo nekaj kisika v vaše telo. Če boste pravilno porabili svojo energijo, bo ta kombinacija dobra za porabo kalorij, ki jih zaužijete s hrano, in pomaga tudi pri telesni pripravljenosti.
Suzhou VEDETTE, as a prominent manufacturer of pipe processing equipment in the market, puts an Pipe punching importance to technological advancement as well as research and development investments, and continues to launch new products with market competitiveness to meet the ever-changing needs of the market. We place high-quality of life, and the customer satisfaction as the primary objective and provide an array of high-quality services that include pre-sales consultation, sales technical support, after-sales maintenance and to ensure that customers have access to of professional and timely technical assistance and solutions. Our products can be applied to various industries. For the users who need pipe processing equipment Suzhou VEDETTE is definitely the most reliable choice.
Pipe punching was founded in 2011 and is located close to the gorgeous Taihu Lake in the southwest of Suzhou, a hub of technological innovation in the production of equipment. With more than a decade of expertise in the development, research and production of tube processing equipment and various kinds of custom automation production lines that are a national high-tech company that is involved in the development and production of technologically automated and intelligent equipment. As in December 2022 it has 31 utility model patents, and 10 equipment invention patents. The equipment is well-received both domestically and internationally, with clients across the world. The company abides by its corporate goal of offering valuable products and services for its customers and is dedicated to being a leader in the field of technological advancement for tube processing equipment in China.
We are your single-stop source for equipment to process pipes, offering a range of machines to fulfill your needs. We are Pipe punching on the field of automation for pipe processing equipment for over 10 years and have nearly 1,000 design concepts that are not standard. Sales professionals with experience can tailor services after detailed understanding of customer demands. Our equipment is designed and debugged according to the project schedule. Customers can watch the equipment assembly and debugging progress online anytime. When the equipment is approved and inspected, they'll carry out exit Inspection in strict accordance to the exit delivery procedure to ensure that the equipment will be promptly incorporated into the customer's factory production tasks; We have a perfect storage system for data and equipment. The data of the equipment used by customers is stored in paper files as well as electronic files. Mold updating will provide sketches or custom. We have a highly skilled service department after sales and can provide after-sales cleaning, maintenance and cleaning.
To ensure consistency and excellence in the quality of our products, we Pipe punching to the concept of quality first as well as take other steps such as source control, monitoring the production process as well as continuous improvement. We will keep adhering to this principle in the near future, and will continue to improve our services and products to offer greater value to our customers.