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Tube bending equipment

The use of tube bending machines has really revolutionized the method things are produced in factories. This makes the work more quickly and easier for all. These types of equipment’s are capable to produce almost all the shapes that are used for variety of products. For example, consider if every time you had to make a product you were required to hand twist a tube. It would be a slow process to find the right mix, and every time you did get it there, constantly changing. Here the job is done quickly and accurately. All tubes look like correct size with Vedette stainless steel tube bending machine! It also allows factories to meet needs and enforce the quality of their products.

From the Pipe to the Machine.

Regular pipes are first converted into bent tubes. The first phase of the production is to take these pipes and insert them into the tube bending machine. Inside there, pipes are kept tight between two dies. These dies hold the pipe stationary while the machine rotates and advances the pipe to facilitate bending. The Vedette stainless steel tube bending machine will pinch the pipe which allows it to shape accordingly. This process is continued until the pipe is shaped to desired angle. It is pretty amazing how you can take a basic pipe and turn it into a form shape tube that you will use as part of product. 


Why choose Vedette Tube bending equipment?

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